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Melissa in the Morning is hosted by Melissa Sheketoff who gathers top news headlines locally and nationally to keep WICC listeners in the know, delivering the information that matters most to you.

Every week, enjoy live interviews from state leaders, business owners and local experts. Melissa has frequent talks with Governor Ned Lamont, Attorney General William Tong, Comptroller Sean Scanlon and other state department leaders. She also has consistent check-in’s with leaders in Washington, including U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal and U.S. Congressman Jim Himes. At the hyper local level, Melissa also talks to local leaders, including state senators, representative, mayors and first selectmen.

Outside of politics, local experts featured on the show weekly include infectious disease expert, Dr. Fred Browne of Griffin Health, career strategist, Julie Bauke, and law enforcement officials including crime prevention expert, Jim Perez.

And as a news reporter, Melissa does investigative reporting on local stories. In 2024, Melissa was the first and only Connecticut reporter for weeks to tackle a hot water and heating issue at Success Village in Bridgeport and Stratford, impacting thousands of residents. She also exposed severe issues with Bridgeport’s education system, including issues with the Board of Education and superintendent. She also answered dozens of calls from Fairfield residents about a childcare center abruptly set to shut down and her work led to a delay in that decision helping dozens of families find care.

Plus, traffic every ten minutes and weather from our Chief Meteorologist Paul Piorek.

Recent posts

Melissa in the Morning: Addressing Housing this Session

Melissa in the Morning: Addressing Housing this Session

The 2024 legislative session starts February 7th. As it has been for the past few sessions, affordable and available housing will be a topic of conversation. We did our monthly check-in with CHP, a non-profit that’s been creating housing opportunities in Connecticut for the past 30 years. CEO Renee Dobos shared goals for lawmakers in…Continue Reading

Melissa In The Morning: Ansonia’s Combat On Blight

Melissa In The Morning: Ansonia’s Combat On Blight

Easton EMS is getting a huge helping hand from the state when it comes to its aging building. We hear from Jon Arnold about the bond money and get an updated timeline for a new and improved EMS building. (0:00) Blight properties can decrease appeal for people to want to move to or stay in…Continue Reading

Melissa In The Morning: Ring Around And Find Out

Melissa In The Morning: Ring Around And Find Out

It’s Girl Scout Cookie season but is the mission still being fulfilled for the girls’ learning skills through selling treats? We asked Diana Mahoney, CEO of Girls Scouts of Connecticut about the changes in cookie selling and tactics in teaching young girls these business skills. (0:00) Crime on the Mind: Amazon-owned Ring is taking police…Continue Reading

Melissa In The Morning: A “Social” Issue

Melissa In The Morning: A “Social” Issue

Wildlife trafficking in Connecticut is happening and many store owners DON’T EVEN REALIZE IT! Find out what was uncovered thanks to The Humane Society of the United States in a recent investigation and what lawmakers are being called to do now. (0:00) A historic Connecticut church collapsed to the ground and an investigation is underway.…Continue Reading

Melissa In The Morning: Are We Too Lax On Our Ballots?

Melissa In The Morning: Are We Too Lax On Our Ballots?

‘Supermassive Mother of all Breaches’ – that’s quite a headline! Quinnipiac University professor, Fred Scholl, joins us to talk about the relevance of these breaches, the role of criminal gangs and how we can better protect ourselves in the event of a breach. (0:00) Are we too lax with our absentee ballots? After what happened…Continue Reading

Melissa In The Morning: Frustration In Our Schools

Melissa In The Morning: Frustration In Our Schools

“We have a real human life crisis on our hands.” Find out why First Selectman Bill Gerber is most concerned about people’s health and safety when it comes to Fairfield U beach parties. Also, he shares feedback from residents weighing in on the issue and the impact on the town beaches. (0:00) “They’re left out…Continue Reading

Melissa In The Morning: Bobcats In New Hampshire

Melissa In The Morning: Bobcats In New Hampshire

The nation is keeping an eye on what’s happening in New Hampshire for today’s primary election. A group of Quinnipiac University students are getting the chance of a lifetime taking part in a rigorous on-ground college seminar on presidential politics led by Professor Scott McLean. Professor McLean and student, Ryan Kansy joined us live in…Continue Reading

Melissa In The Morning: The Bridgeport Democratic Mayoral Primary Debate

Melissa In The Morning: The Bridgeport Democratic Mayoral Primary Debate

During the final hour of Melissa in the Morning, Melissa welcomed in Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim and his challenge in the Democratic Primary John Gomes for a debate before Bridgeport Residents hit the polls tomorrow for the Democratic Mayoral Primary Redo. They answered various questions submitted by the listening audience on a variety of subjects…Continue Reading

Melissa In The Morning: Saving Those Who Save Us

Melissa In The Morning: Saving Those Who Save Us

A new law is now in effect to compensate firefighters who get diagnosed with cancer from their work. But does the law go far enough? Who qualifies for it? And does it address the real problem at hand which is eliminating the risks of getting cancer for firefighters? We spoke with Pete Brown, President of…Continue Reading

Melissa In The Morning: Let’s Get Medical

Melissa In The Morning: Let’s Get Medical

The American Cancer Society is out today with its 2024 projections and yearly stats.  Colon cancer is now the leading cause of cancer deaths among people under 50. Dr. Dan Labow has a special interest in colorectal cancer. He is the system chair of surgical services at Nuvance Health. He talked to us about risks,…Continue Reading