Email Melissa at [email protected]

Melissa in the Morning is hosted by Melissa Sheketoff who gathers top news headlines locally and nationally to keep WICC listeners in the know, delivering the information that matters most to you.

Every week, enjoy live interviews from state leaders, business owners and local experts. Melissa has recently connected with Governor Ned Lamont, who has agreed to take YOUR questions bi-weekly on the show. Consistently, Melissa also talks to U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, U.S. Congressman Jim Himes, Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim and State Senator Tony Hwang. Local experts include infectious disease expert, Dr. Fred Browne of Griffin Health, Luke Frey from the Better Business Bureau, The Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities and Bridgeport Health Director Lisa Morrissey. 

Enjoy original weekly segments like “Community Inspiration,” “Marriage Advice” and “Crime on the Mind.” Community Inspiration highlights Connecticut residents who live normal lives doing extraordinary things. Every week, you can meet people of all ages who are inspiring their community and loved ones through their work, outlook on life, actions and good deeds. Marriage advice is a bi-weekly check-in with relationship consultant, Bob Donovan, who gives tips to a healthy marriage and perspective for couples to think about. Crime on the Mind features Lt. James Perez from the Fairfield Police Department, who travels around the country teaching crime prevention to other police departments. He gives us the top crimes happening right now and tips for the public to stay safe and be proactive. 

Plus, traffic every ten minutes and weather from our Chief Meteorologist Paul Piorek.

Recent posts

Melissa in the Morning: Spring Showers of Sadness

Melissa in the Morning: Spring Showers of Sadness

Did you know more than half of the American population reports experiencing loneliness. While the winter is usually associated with seasonal affective disorder, a lot of studies and reports have shown that “winter blues” can happen anytime of year, especially the spring. But how can that be? We find out from our morning show counselor,…Continue Reading

Melissa in the Morning: Keep Work-Stress out of your Marriage

Melissa in the Morning: Keep Work-Stress out of your Marriage

According to Men’s Journal, a new survey finds work-related stress is leading to an abnormally high rate of breakups and divorces, with 71 percent of respondents reporting that work stress caused a personal relationship to end. How can you keep work-related stress from impacting your marriage? We asked career strategist, Julie Bauke, in Julie on the Job. Image Credit:…Continue Reading

Melissa in the Morning: Don’t Stay Stuck in your Marriage

Melissa in the Morning: Don’t Stay Stuck in your Marriage

According to the most recent US findings, the top reasons a marriage ends includes lack of commitment and constant arguing. Those two things happen a lot of times because someone or both parties feel stuck and unsure how to move forward in their relationship. We got some perspective from marriage coach, Bob Donovan, about why…Continue Reading

Melissa in the Morning: America Saves Week

Melissa in the Morning: America Saves Week

This week is National America Saves Week (April 8-12). The Better Business Bureau is joining more than 3,000 entities, including financial institutions, government agencies, local government, and other nonprofit organizations in the call to action for everyday Americans to commit to saving successfully. We got tips from Kristen Johnson of the BBB in Connecticut to…Continue Reading

Melissa in the Morning: Solar Eclipse and Your Eyes

Melissa in the Morning: Solar Eclipse and Your Eyes

It’s the moment in the skies we’ve all been waiting for: the 2024 Solar Eclipse! The National Weather Service reports the eclipse is expected to be visible in Connecticut with approximately 92-94% sun coverage with the max coverage set for 3:27pm. Even though the eclipse means unusual darkness when it’s usually brighter in the afternoon,…Continue Reading

Melissa in the Morning: Did you feel that?!

Melissa in the Morning: Did you feel that?!

Last Friday, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in New Jersey around 10:23 in the morning was felt in Connecticut; specifically in our listening area. Is that magnitude significant? Are earthquakes that size rare in the Northeast? How can Connecticut residents prep for earthquakes in future? For all that and more, we spoke with Jeffrey Park, Professor…Continue Reading

Melissa in the Morning: Physician Shortages

Melissa in the Morning: Physician Shortages

Tomorrow is National Doctor’s Day; it was created back in 1933 to honor the men and women who are filling our physician positions in our hospitals and doctor’s offices. But in recent years, we continue to see physician shortages. According to national data — primary care shortages are one major driver. The National Center for…Continue Reading

Melissa in the Morning: Teacher Shortages

Melissa in the Morning: Teacher Shortages

Connecticut lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are sounding the alarm about getting more mental health experts in our schools. There’s strong bi-partisan support to pass a law forcing the state to invest in filling these roles. But how can we do that when we are still struggling to fill basic teacher shortages in…Continue Reading

Melissa in the Morning: Antibiotics in my Chicken???

Melissa in the Morning: Antibiotics in my Chicken???

Chick-Fil-A is going to allow some antibiotics in its food. The fast-food giant announced on its website it will be switching from ” No Antibiotics Ever” to “No Antibiotics Important To Human Medicine.” What does this mean for people consuming these food items? We asked our peace of mind in the medical field, Dr. Fred…Continue Reading