The WICC Holiday Fund for Children provides support to organizations throughout Greater Bridgeport that are committed to helping children and their families acquire basic supplies for school and household needs. We are funded by listener support and sponsors, as well as corporate donations.
The WICC Holiday Fund for Children has donated toys for kids in association with the AMR Marilyn Goldstone Foundation Toy Caravan; fulfilled holiday wish lists with the WEBE108 Christmas Wish; donated backpacks through our WICC Backpack Give Back; fed families through the Bridgeport Rescue Mission; supported various children’s agencies, school programs, summer camps, safety programs and more; helped fund medical equipment, books for children, school trips, clothing, shelter, kids holiday events and cancer support programs.

Donations can also be sent to WICC Holiday Fund for Children, 440 Wheelers Farms Rd, Suite 302, Milford 06461