Melissa in the Morning: Mental Health Coverage

Melissa in the Morning: Mental Health Coverage

Mental health needs continue to be highlighted in our news and in our proposed laws, especially after the pandemic. But a lot of health insurance carriers still don’t cover mental health needs like therapy sessions. We spoke with Comptroller Sean Scanlon about House Bill 6145: An Act Concerning Mental Health and Substance Use Parity, Compliance and…

Melissa in the Morning: Stone Academy Settlement

Melissa in the Morning: Stone Academy Settlement

In what seemed like an instant, hundreds of nursing students in Connecticut were left without a complete education, a degree and answers for their future. I’m talking about the abrupt closure of Stone Academy two years ago. And now a local law firm settled a case against Stone Academy for $5 million to benefit the…

Melissa in the Morning: Social Media Algorithms

Melissa in the Morning: Social Media Algorithms

There are more efforts to crack down on social media hurting young people. A new Connecticut bill seeks to ban social media’s use of algorithms on minors. It was put forward by State Representative Kathy Kennedy, who represents the 119th District, which includes Milford. She shared what led to creating House Bill 5474 and how…

Melissa In The Morning: Point-Counterpoint On Bear Hunting

Melissa In The Morning: Point-Counterpoint On Bear Hunting

Paul Pacelli, while filling in on Melissa in the Morning, welcomed State Senator Eric Berthel to talk about the idea of bear hunt as the bear population in Connecticut rapidly increases (0:00). This prompted Priscilla Feral, President of Friends of Animals, to write in and come onto the show to present her side of the…

Melissa in the Morning: CT Bar Association

Melissa in the Morning: CT Bar Association

With a new year, came a new executive director of the Connecticut Bar Association. We met Lina Lee and did a deeper dive into the purpose of the CBA and its impact in our state. Image Credit: Getty Images

Melissa in the Morning: A Bid for Governor

Melissa in the Morning: A Bid for Governor

It’s official; New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart is exploring a run for governor. She is working to earn the Republican nomination but already seems to have competition in the party. We spoke with her about her plans. For more information: Image Courtesy of Erin Stewart

Melissa in the Morning: Is Gatorade Good for You?

Melissa in the Morning: Is Gatorade Good for You?

For decades, Gatorade has been the go-to drink to fuel athletes and gym-goers by restoring lost electrolytes. But does a troubling ingredient list outweigh the benefits of drinking it? Dr. Andrew Wong with Hartford Healthcare weighs in on the discussion around these sports drinks. Image Credit: Getty Images

Melissa in the Morning: CT Tourism Dollars

Melissa in the Morning: CT Tourism Dollars

There’s a push to invest much more money into our Connecticut tourism budget. According to the Office of Tourism, the tourism budget was cut and in the budget address this week, I didn’t hear anything about new state dollars going to tourism. That means the tourism budget could be cut even more, even though tourism…

Melissa in the Morning: Creating ACTUAL Workforce Housing

Melissa in the Morning: Creating ACTUAL Workforce Housing

In the governor’s budget address, he said the state will continue a $400 million investment per year in housing. But are the housing priorities that were presented enough to create more workforce, affordable housing? We asked our housing expert, Renee Dobos, CEO of CT Housing Partners. IMAGE CREDIT: Melissa Sheketoff

Melissa in the Morning: Protecting Referees

Melissa in the Morning: Protecting Referees

There’s a proposed bill in Hartford that addresses unsportsmanlike behavior toward referees in youth sports. According to reports, many referees in Connecticut leave due to aggressive and over involved parents. Glenn Lungarini, executive director of the CIAC, talked about the bill and why it’s necessary to pass. Image Credit: Getty Images