Melissa In The Morning: The Surge Of Flu Cases

Melissa In The Morning: The Surge Of Flu Cases

Flu cases are surging, especially in the south. A lot of Connecticut residents will travel south for the holidays or in the winter months. So, what do people need to do ahead of their travel plans? How important is testing? Do the tests expire? How accurate are they? Dr. Browne addresses all of that. Image…

Melissa In The Morning: Lobster Trap Removal

Melissa In The Morning: Lobster Trap Removal

There were several street takeovers in Connecticut earlier this month and we want to know what lawmakers are doing to eliminate the problem or better protect residents. Senator Paul Cicarella is the Ranking state Senator of the Public Safety and Security Committee. He shared concerns over a lack of penalties and whether task forces make…

Melissa In The Morning: True Blue Heroes

Melissa In The Morning: True Blue Heroes

Local author and volunteer firefighter, Paul Albert, created a new book honoring law enforcement and remembering two of our own. In the children’s book ‘True Blue Heroes,’ find out how Lt. Dustin DeMonte and Sgt. Alex Hamzy are remembered and the lesson behind respecting those in uniform. To pre-order the book: (0:00) Crime on…

Melissa In The Morning: The Latest On Afforable Housing

Melissa In The Morning: The Latest On Afforable Housing

Finding available and affordable housing continues to be a major struggle for Connecticut. We invited Renee Dobos back in studio. She is the CEO of non-profit, CT Housing Partners. We outlined the problem at hand and what ‘affordable housing’ actually means for Connecticut residents. Renee then explained how CHP is part of the solution. Image…

Melissa In The Morning: Catching Up With Dr. Browne

Melissa In The Morning: Catching Up With Dr. Browne

Why are kids constantly sick this fall? In fact, why does it seem like we ALL have been constantly sick since September?? In a word: payback! Dr. Browne explains. Image Credit: Getty Images

Melissa In The Morning: The Problem With Lithium-Ion Batteries

Melissa In The Morning: The Problem With Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are used in so many things: cellphones, tablets, laptops, Bluetooth headsets, electric toothbrushes, e-scooters, the list goes on and on. But unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of options to extinguish those fires quickly. Fairfield’s Assistant Fire Chief, Schuyler Sherwood, shared training that the department goes through for these fires. He also highlighted a…

Melissa In The Morning: What Is Christmas Tree Syndrome?

Melissa In The Morning: What Is Christmas Tree Syndrome?

Julie on the Job: Don’t go crazy at this year’s company party. Career strategist, Julie Bauke, explained why alcohol is not always your friend and presentation is a big factor in making an impression away from your desk. (0:00) According to a recent CBS News report, the typical American household must spend an additional $11,434…

Melissa In The Morning: Navigating New York City In Times Of Protests

Melissa In The Morning: Navigating New York City In Times Of Protests

State data shows 80,000 people are living with Alzheimer’s in Connecticut. And even more people are caregivers of loved ones with the disease. Nicole Fidanzo, a Quinnipiac University professor, offered holiday tips for caregivers helping loved ones with dementia. (0:00) It’s an uncomfortable conversation, but it’s one that families need to start having with their…

Melissa In The Morning: Jim Himes On Israel

Melissa In The Morning: Jim Himes On Israel

Counterfeiting is a long-time norm when it comes to the marijuana industry. But that problem has hit a new high since weed became legal in Connecticut. Attorney General William Tong shared the latest on bootleg cannabis products and how his office is combatting the problem. (0:00) Congressman Jim Himes is back! We did a catch-up…