Melissa in the Morning: Officer Wellness

Melissa in the Morning: Officer Wellness

According to national data, psychiatric assessments of officers found that 41% were classified as at high risk of a mental health condition with 15% showing signs of PTSD. Law enforcement officials acknowledge a lot of focus on physical strength training with little focus on mental and emotional strength training until it’s too late. Former Fairfield…

Melissa in the Morning: The Truth about Pest Control

Melissa in the Morning: The Truth about Pest Control

In recent years, our winters in Connecticut have been very mild and that means more rodents and pests in our yards. That means a lot of Connecticut residents are having pest control companies out to spray and handle the problem. But many others are hesitant to get treatments because of poisoning fears for their pets…

Melissa in the Morning: Kidney Cancer Awareness Month

Melissa in the Morning: Kidney Cancer Awareness Month

March is Kidney Cancer Awareness month and it’s a type of cancer that people stumble upon. According to national statistics, about 80,000 people are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year in the US. We wanted to know since it commonly is a fluke diagnosis, what are the risk factors, symptoms, and treatments available? We spoke…

Melissa in the Morning: Meet Rob Blanchard

Melissa in the Morning: Meet Rob Blanchard

Elections for the Connecticut State Senate will take place in 2024. The general election is on November 5, 2024. A primary is August 13, 2024. The filing deadline is June 11, 2024. Rob Blanchard is running for the first time as a state senator, vying to take incumbent Senator Tony Hwang’s place in the 28th District. We…

Melissa in the Morning: Life with Ghosts

Melissa in the Morning: Life with Ghosts

A Fairfield filmmaker fell into film making after the death of his father. While helping his mother grieve the loss, he stumbled upon an unconventional study where scientists spark sensory reconnections for people who have lost loved ones. It’s being called the first publicly funded research of its kind. Stephen Berkley talked about the in-depth…

Melissa in the Morning: Total Eclipse of the (UB) Heart

Melissa in the Morning: Total Eclipse of the (UB) Heart

Science You May Not Know: getting ready for the total eclipse in April. Find out where you can best spot the spectacle in the sky and how University of Bridgeport students have a hand in a huge NASA project during the eclipse. Photo Credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus

Melissa in the Morning: This is Bigger than a Local Election

Melissa in the Morning: This is Bigger than a Local Election

As the journey to name the next mayor of Bridgeport continues, more and more politicians are making their voices heard. We recently learned Governor Ned Lamont, Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, and Congressman Jim Himes are all throwing their support behind Mayor Joe Ganim for the upcoming general election redo. But opponent John Gomes…

Melissa in the Morning: 60 Years of Supporting Local High Schoolers

Melissa in the Morning: 60 Years of Supporting Local High Schoolers

The St. Patrick Committee is 60 this year and has helped dozens high school students in the surrounding Bridgeport area over the years. We spoke with committee members, Kevin Coles and Sheryl Shaughnessey, about the group, the scholarships and the upcoming dinner supporting it all.  Find out more at

Melissa in the Morning: Senior Car Show

Melissa in the Morning: Senior Car Show

For the first time, seniors at a local high school came together to try and financially support other classmates who can’t afford to go on the end of year senior trip. We hear from Kaden and Nate of Jonathan Law in Milford about the First Annual Car Show and what you can expect from the…

Melissa in the Morning: Eating Disorder Awareness

Melissa in the Morning: Eating Disorder Awareness

According to national statistics, an estimated 9% of the U.S. population will have an eating disorder in their lifetime. This week (Feb. 26-Mar 3) is Eating Disorder Awareness Week and there are a lot of misconceptions around the topic. We tackle the truth about the issue and how to get help with Quinnipiac associate professor, Clotilde Dudley-Smith.…