Melissa in the Morning: Nicotine Pouches

Melissa in the Morning: Nicotine Pouches

There’s a new product attracting young people to nicotine: pouches! These harmful products join the already popular, dangerous e-cigarettes and flavored vaping products sold across the country. We spoke with Yolanda Richardson, President and CEO of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, to get the latest stats on youth addiction to nicotine and how to crack…

Melissa in the Morning: Outrageous Electric Bills

Melissa in the Morning: Outrageous Electric Bills

A lot of Connecticut residents are fuming after getting their July electric bill. Eversource customers are seeing increases in what’s called the “public benefits” portion of their bill and they are substantial! So, why the stark uptick and who’s to blame? Vice President of Rates and Regulatory Requirements at Eversource, Doug Horton, joined the show…

Melissa in the Morning: “Happy but NOT Hopeful”

Melissa in the Morning: “Happy but NOT Hopeful”

A landmark decision was made this week. A judge ruled that Google is maintaining an illegal monopoly of online search engines, violating the U.S. antitrust law. More than 30 states, including Connecticut, sued Google a few years ago, accusing the company of paying companies big money to have their smartphones and web browsers automatically use…

Melissa in the Morning: Park City Confidential

Melissa in the Morning: Park City Confidential

A new video series by the Bridgeport Police Department. It’s called Park City Confidential with the goal of generating tips from the public and bringing new life to cold cases. The videos are produced by the Bridgeport Police Department’s Homicide Unit – and officials plan to release a new episode every two months, if not…

Melissa in the Morning: Anchor Role Diminishing?

Melissa in the Morning: Anchor Role Diminishing?

CBS Evening News’ Anchor, Norah O’Donnell, announced she is leaving the anchor chair to go back to a reporter role after the 2024 election wraps up in November. The announcement serves as another example of the journalism trends constantly changing, putting into question whether anchors are still considered the face of a network. We got…

Melissa in the Morning: Caregiver Support

Melissa in the Morning: Caregiver Support

Caregivers are considered the unsung heroes of our community. And while professional caregivers face many challenges in their field, it can be an even bigger challenge when a caregiver is working with a loved one. According to national statistics, 45% of those caring for a spouse or parent reported stress compared with 35% for another…

Melissa in the Morning: DOT Check-In

Melissa in the Morning: DOT Check-In

We spoke with the CT Department of Transportation communications director, Josh Morgan. He shared why the state is now posting signs with the total roadway fatalities this year to change driver behavior. Plus, he gave the heads up on events you should know about. To sign up for the Public Meeting on proposed Greenwich Rt.…

Melissa in the Morning: Connecticut Farms

Melissa in the Morning: Connecticut Farms

August 5th is National Oyster Day. It also lands in the midst of National Farmers Market Week. Connecticut has a thriving farming industry and we wanted to acknowledge them today. Commissioner Bryan Hurlburt with the Department of Agriculture highlighted our 5,000+ farms employing 22,000 people and contribute $4 billion dollars to the state’s economy. For…

Melissa in the Morning: The SEAL Swim

Melissa in the Morning: The SEAL Swim

More than 300 Navy SEALs, veterans, and first responders will complete a challenging swimming, running, and training course this upcoming weekend. The annual New York City SEAL Swim is happening this Saturday. For all the details and where the funds collected for the event are going, we spoke with Geoff Leard, Director of Partnerships &…

Melissa in the Morning: Phones in Schools

Melissa in the Morning: Phones in Schools

This week, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy introduced a bipartisan bill that seeks to limit how much time children spend on their smartphones in school. The Smart Kids, Not Smartphones Act would create a competitive, non-monetary program recognizing schools that enforce bans on smartphone use during instruction time. Social media consultant, Krista Carnes, weighs in on the debate…