Russ Hackmann breaks down for Melissa everything you need to know about social security. Image Credit: AndreyPopov / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Russ Hackmann breaks down for Melissa everything you need to know about social security. Image Credit: AndreyPopov / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Russ Hackmann explains if once you start receiving social security if that amount is locked in. Image Credit: BackyardProduction / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Russ Hackmann explains to Melissa about when you should start taking social security, and strategies for single people or couples. Image Credit: Zinkevych / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Russ Hackmann explains to Melissa how it’s determined how much you get in retirement and the ranges people received. Image Credit: BackyardProduction / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Russ Hackmann talks about what determines how much you receive for social security in retirement, and the concern about social security running out. Image Credit: BackyardProduction /iStock / Getty Images Plus
Russ Hackmann sums up all the current turbulence in the markets with the Fed raising rates. Image Credit: Bet_Noire / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Russ Hackmann explains to Melissa the options on investing for those over 55 with stocks and bonds both doing badly. Image Credit: globalmoments / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Russ Hackmann explains how investors at different ages should be thinking about risk. Image Credit: Galeanu Mihai / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Russ Hackmann breaks down for Melissa it seems like the stock and bond markets may fall further. Image Credit: peshkov / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Russ Hackmann breaks down what’s going on with both the stock and bond markets and what’s causing them to be lousy. Image Credit: KanawatTH / iStock / Getty Images Plus