Melissa in the Morning: Cancer Causing Chemical Study

William Riley looks down to the brush fire at Sepulveda Basin on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Los Angeles, Calif. The fire started out earlier in the afternoon and has caused to burn 50 acres of land.(Photo by Kevin Lendio)

Melissa in the Morning: Cancer Causing Chemical Study

When a fire sparks or someone falls and can’t get up, who do you call and expect to save the day? Firefighters! And despite reports of firefighters’ exposure to cancer causing chemicals, Connecticut lawmakers do not allocate enough money to compensate them for their service if they develop cancer on the job. A new study uncovered an association between exposure to chemicals commonly used in firefighting and glioma risk (brain tumors). We spoke with Dr. Elizabeth Claus, who led the study and is a member of Yale Cancer Center.

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